Development and Purpose of the PAS

The authors’ aim is for the PAS to foster self-awareness and to underscore the impact that different aspects of identity have on one’s perspective and experiences in the world. Intentionally designed to be inclusive, accessible, and adaptable for use in various contexts, the PAS combines identity markers (Part I) with lived experiences (Part II) to offer a more holistic view of positionality and insight into respondent’s relationship to power and privilege. 

Felder & Rahyab used the following frameworks to inform the development of the PAS:

  1. Intersectionality Theory: Rooted in intersectionality – a term coined by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw (1989) –  the PAS highlights how multiple aspects of identity (e.g., race, gender, sexuality) interact to create unique experiences of privilege or marginalization.

  2. Social Determinants of Equity: The PAS draws on both public health and social work insights, and incorporates factors such as access to education, healthcare, and economic stability to assess systemic disparities.